Skills and Technologies

In my journey as a web developer, I've had experience with a multitude of technologies:


HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript form the basis of my frontend skills, enriched by extensive use of Bootstrap and TailwindCSS for responsive, custom themes. I've leveraged the power of Angular, React, and Next.js for creating dynamic, robust applications.


Firebase has been my go-to platform for backend services, where I have experience with features like auth, Firestore, Cloud Storage, AppCheck, and CloudFunctions. Completing the "Complete MEAN Stack Guide" from Udemy, I acquired knowledge in MongoDB (with Mongoose), Express, Node.js, and deepened my proficiency in Angular.

Programming Languages

During my Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, I ventured into various programming languages including Verilog, C/C++, Python, Matlab, and Assembly language, enriching my problem-solving skills and computational thinking.

Notable Repos

My GitHub repositories reflect a blend of academic pursuits and personal interests. Some of the projects I'm most proud of include:

  • Compiler Design

    I created a compiler for a Pascal-like programming language using Lex, Yacc, and Yasmin. This comprehensive project includes a Scanner, Parser, and Symbol Table.

  • CPU Simulation

    Using Verilog, I simulated a single cycle CPU for my Computer Organization class, offering a deep dive into the fundamental mechanisms of computers.

  • 3D Game Development

    I delved into 3D game development, creating projects that served as assignments for a Masters Course in the subject.

  • Final Graduation Project (AI)

    For my capstone project, I designed an LSTM neural network using Python, Tensorflow, and Pandas. The network, trained to arrange furniture in a room, served as a fascinating exploration into the practical applications of AI.

Check out myGithubfor more details on these and other projects.